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Psicanalista, Psicanálise, brasileira, Holanda, Amsterdam, Brazilian, Lacaniano,  português, Análise, Analista brasileiro, Psicóloga, Terapeuta, Terapia, Consulta, Sessão, Ajuda psicológica, Clínica psicologia, Consultório psicologia, Saúde Mental, Psicólogo en español, habla hispana, Terapia, Psicoterapia, Atención psicológica en, Psicoanalista en español, Psicoanalisis en, Paises Bajos, Psicoanalisis lacaniano, Lacan, Lacaniano, Sesión, Consulta psicológica, Atención psicoanalítica, Grupo psicoanalítico, Consultorio psicológico en Consulta psicológica em, Atención niños, adolescentes, adultos, Investigación, Clínica psicólogica, Psicoanalisis, Tratamiento psicológico, Ayuda psicólogica, Psicóloga brasileiro, Brazilian Psychoanalyst,  Netherlands, Lacanian, Psychoanalysis english, Spanish speaking psychologist, English speaking psychologist in, English therapist, Session, Psychological help, psychology clinic, psychoanalysis clinic, Psychology practice, Therapeutic help, Mental health


Grupo Tyché offers clinical attention for children, teenagers and adults.

It promotes study and research activities oriented by the psychoanalytic discourse. 


Grupo Tyche offers a space for children, teenagers and adults who are looking for a psychoanalytic treatment to face their uneasiness.


Sites of attention: Amsterdam, Hilversum and online. 

Due to the context of the war in Ukraine, Grupo Tyche is offering slots of psychological attention for refugees free of charge. The sessions can be online or in person in Amsterdam.

Agenda 2024


2/9 - The effectiveness of psychoanalysis. Presents: Vivian Malta 

9/9 - The direction of the cure and principles of its power I. Presents: Carolina Moreirão e Vivian Malta

16/9 - The direction of the cure and principles of its power II. Presents: Bianca Casimiro, Daiana Rauber e Lina Petraglia

23/9 - The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today. Preparatory meeting towards event.



Clinic and Psychoanalytic Research

Contact us

Van  Eeghehlaan 27, 1071
Amsterdam, Holanda.

06 17825185

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Clinic and psychoanalytic research

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