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Agenda - Psychoanalysis & Interdisciplinarity

This workshop takes place once a month. Each encounter will address a precise topic that will be commented through a theoretical text, academic paper, film or piece of literature. The different subjects that will organize the work program, share the specificity of being, urgent matters that question us in our contemporary life.

Program 2024


24/10 - "Anatomy of a fall" - movie. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer

Anatomy of a Fall ( Anatomie d'une chute) is a 2023 French film, directed by Justine Triet from a screenplay co-written with Arthur Harari. The title immediately evokes us that classic 1959 drama film, Anatomy of a Murder, directed by Otto Preminger. Anatomy of a Fall, however, is not a classic legal drama but rather introduces various elements that point directly to questions central to the analytical discourse: How is it possible to know and tell the truth? What differences are between the objective truth sought by the legal discourse and what psychoanalysis propose about the subjective truth? What is the relationship between the real (traumatic real) and the possibility of its nomination in a judicial testimony? How to think about the subjective responsibility in childhood? We will address some of these questions in our October meeting.

Anatomy of a fall.jpg

28/11 - "Bellies" - book, Love & Gender. Presents: Lina Petraglia, Prof. dr. Misha Kavka and dr. Diego Semerene


In this presentation, I will explore the choice of the object of love in Nicola Dinan's novel Bellies through a Lacanian lens. Lacan's theories on desire and the object petit a provide a compelling framework for understanding the characters' complex relationships and the motivations behind their choices. By examining how the characters navigate their desires and attachments, I aim to illuminate the interplay between love, lack, and the symbolic order. This analysis will reveal how their pursuits of love reflect deeper subjective conflicts and the ways in which these dynamics shape their identities and experiences throughout the narrative.

12/12 - Art and Psychoanalysis. Presents: Carmina Espinoza


Clinic and psychoanalytic research

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