Agenda - Study Group
Program 2024-2025: The ethics of psychoanalysis
16/12 - "Of the moral law". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
13/12 - End of semester conference.
02/12 - "Das Ding (Il)". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
18/11 - "Das Ding". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
04/11 - "A reinterpretation of Entwurf". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
21/10 - "Pleasure and reality". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
07/10 - "Our program". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.
Program 2024: The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today
23/9 - The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today. Preparatory meeting towards event.
16/9 - "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power". Lacan, J. (1958/1998). Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.
Presents: Bianca Casimiro, Daiana Rauber e Lina Petraglia
9/9 - "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power". Lacan, J. (1958/1998). Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.
Presents: Carolina Moreirão e Vivian Malta
2/9 - "The effectiveness of psychoanalysis". La eficacia del psicoanálisis, Graciela Brodsky. Opção Lacaniana, Revista
Brasileira Internacional de Psicanálise, N° 41, Sao Paulo, diciembre de 2004.
Presents: Vivian Malta
8/7 - "Variants of standard treatment". Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.
Presents: Lina Petraglia
1/7 - "Variants of standard treatment". Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.
Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer
24/6 - "New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis". FREUD, Sigmund. Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976. Novas conferências introdutórias nº 34. (1933 - v. 22)
Presents: Carmina Espinoza
10/6 - Preparatory meeting towards event.
Program 2024: The versions of the symptom: from Freud to Lacan
6/5 - Fundamental phantasm. Presents: Carmina Espinoza
27/5 - Symptom and phantasm. Presents: Lina Petraglia
8/4 - Symptom's singularity. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer
22/4 - Lacan's nightingale. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer
11/3 - Symptoms and clinical types. Presents: Vivian Malta
25/3 -Symptoms and clinical types. Presents: Vivian Malta
12/2 - The analytic therapy. Presents: Lina Petraglia
26/2 - Research: War and the analytic discourse.
"Too late to awaken: What lies ahead when there is no future? Slavoj Zizek
15/1 - Presentation of clinical case. Presents: Carmina Espinoza
29/1 - The paths of the symptom formation. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer
Program 2023: The logic of the cure
27/3 - The logic of the cure: psychoanalytical act and the end of the analysis.
13/3 - The logic of the cure: libidinal value of payment.
13/2 - The logic of the cure: time and psychoanalysis.
30/1 - The logic of the cure: ethical implications on the use of the couch.
The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power, Jacques Lacan (1958).
Intervention on transference, Jacques Lacan (1952).
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. The Seminar 11, Jacques Lacan
Subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire. Jacques Lacan
Italian Note. Jacques Lacan (1973).
The marks of a psychoanalysis. Luis Izcovich (2017).
On beginning of treatment. S. Freud (1913)
As 4+1 condições da análise, Antonio Quinet
Variants of the Standard Treatment, Jacques Lacan (1955)
Program 2022: Differential diagnosis and The logic of the cure
Period August - December
December 12/12 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Vivian Malta
November 28/11 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Vivian Malta
14/11 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Carolina Moreirao
October 31/10 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Andrea Hellemeyer
17/10 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Carmina Espinoza
3/10 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Lina Petraglia
September 19/9 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Carolina Moreirao
5/9 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Lina Petraglia
August 22/8 Commission meeting.
Period January - June 2022
13/06/2022: Event´s preparatory meeting.
23/05/2022: Esquizofrenia y paranoia
Bibliografia: Miller, J-A (1982). Psicosis y psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Manantial.
09/05/2022: De una cuestión preliminar a todo tratamiento posible de la psicosis.
Bibliografia: Lacan, J. (1971 [1966]). Escritos II. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores.
25/04/2022: De una cuestión preliminar a todo tratamiento posible de la psicosis.
Bibliografia: Lacan, J. (1971 [1966]). Escritos II. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores.
11/04/2022: El falo y el meteoro.
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
28/03/2022: "Tú eres"
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
14/03/2022: La carretera principal y el significante "ser padre"
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
28/02/2022: "Tú eres el que me seguirá"
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
14/02/2022: El punto de almohadillado.
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
31/01/2022: El llamado, la alusión.
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
17/01/2022: Conferencia: Freud en el siglo.
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
Program 2021: Differential diagnosis
22/11/2021: Metáfora y metonimia (II)
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
08/11/2021: Metáfora y metonimia (I)
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
25/10/2021: Secretarios del alienado
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
11/10/2021: Acerca de los significantes primordiales y de la falta de uno
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
09/27/2021: El significante como tal no significa nada
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
09/13/2021: El significante como tal no significa nada
Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.
06/14/2021: The hysterical question (II)
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: The psychoses. Rio de January: Jorge Zahar Editor.
06/07/2021: The hysterical question
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: The psychoses. Rio de January: Jorge Zahar Editor.
05/10/2021: From the rejection of a primordial signifier
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
05/03/2021: Of the signifier in the real, and the miracle of the howl
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor
12/04/2021: Of non-sense, and the structure of God
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
03/29/2021: The symbolic phrase
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
03/08/2021: The imaginary dissolution
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
03/01/2021: The psychotic phenomenon and its mechanism
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
02/08/2021: Of a god who deceives and one who does not deceive.
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
02/01/2021: Lessons from psychoses
Bibliography: Soler, C. (2011), Conference given at the Hospital "José T. Borda". Rio de la Plata, FARP.
Program 2020: Differential diagnosis
Period September - December
12/12/2020: The surroundings of the hole
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
12/05/2020: Of the signifier and the meaning
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
11/16/2020: Of the signifier and the meaning
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor
11/09/2020: Theme and structure of the psychotic phenomenon
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
10/19/2020: Theme and structure of the psychotic phenomenon
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
10/12/2020: Introduction to the issue of psychoses
Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
11/09/2020: Neurosis and psychosis
Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). The dissolution of the Oedipus complex. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud - The Ego and the Id and other works. Vol. XIX (1923–1925). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Loss of reality in neurosis and psychosis
Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). The dissolution of the Oedipus complex. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud - The Ego and the Id and other works. Vol. XIX (1923–1925). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
09/04/2020: Draft K
Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). Extracts from the documents addressed to Fliess. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud – Psychoanalytic publications and unpublished sketches. Vol. I (1886–1899). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Draft H
Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). Extracts from the documents addressed to Fliess. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud – Psychoanalytic publications and unpublished sketches. Vol. I (1886–1899). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.