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Agenda - Study Group

Program 2024-2025: The ethics of psychoanalysis



16/12 - "Of the moral law". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.

13/12 - End of semester conference.

02/12 - "Das Ding (Il)". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.


18/11 - "Das Ding". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.

04/11 - "A reinterpretation of Entwurf". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.


21/10 - "Pleasure and reality". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.

07/10 - "Our program". Lacan, J. (1959/1960). O seminário, livro 7: A ética da psicanálise.  Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1991.


Program 2024: The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today



23/9 - The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today. Preparatory meeting towards event.

16/9 - "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power". Lacan, J. (1958/1998). Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.

Presents: Bianca Casimiro, Daiana Rauber e Lina Petraglia

9/9 - "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power". Lacan, J. (1958/1998). Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.

Presents: Carolina Moreirão e Vivian Malta

2/9 - "The effectiveness of psychoanalysis". La eficacia del psicoanálisis, Graciela Brodsky. Opção Lacaniana, Revista
Brasileira Internacional de Psicanálise, N° 41, Sao Paulo, diciembre de 2004.

Presents: Vivian Malta




8/7 - "Variants of standard treatment". Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.

Presents: Lina Petraglia

1/7 - "Variants of standard treatment". Lacan, J. Escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1998.

Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer



24/6 - "New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis". FREUD, Sigmund. Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976. Novas conferências introdutórias nº 34. (1933 - v. 22)

Presents: Carmina Espinoza

10/6 - Preparatory meeting towards  event.

Program 2024: The versions of the symptom: from Freud to Lacan


6/5 - Fundamental phantasm. Presents: Carmina Espinoza 

27/5 - Symptom and phantasm. Presents: Lina Petraglia



8/4 - Symptom's singularity. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer

22/4 - Lacan's nightingale. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer


11/3 - Symptoms and clinical types. Presents: Vivian Malta

25/3  -Symptoms and clinical types. Presents: Vivian Malta



12/2 - The analytic therapy. Presents: Lina Petraglia

26/2 - Research: War and the analytic discourse. 

"Too late to awaken: What lies ahead when there is no future? Slavoj Zizek



15/1 - Presentation of clinical case. Presents: Carmina Espinoza

29/1 - The paths of the symptom formation. Presents: Andrea Hellemeyer



Program 2023: The logic of the cure



27/3 - The logic of the cure: psychoanalytical act and the end of the analysis.

13/3 - The logic of the cure: libidinal value of payment. 



13/2 - The logic of the cure: time and psychoanalysis.



30/1 - The logic of the cure: ethical implications on the use of the couch.



  • The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power, Jacques Lacan (1958).

  • Intervention on transference, Jacques Lacan (1952).

  • The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. The Seminar 11, Jacques Lacan

  • Subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire. Jacques Lacan

  • Italian Note. Jacques Lacan (1973).

  • The marks of a psychoanalysis. Luis Izcovich (2017).

  • On beginning of treatment. S. Freud (1913)

  • As 4+1 condições da análise, Antonio Quinet

  • Variants of the Standard Treatment, Jacques Lacan (1955)



Program 2022: Differential diagnosis and The logic of the cure


Period August - December 

December       12/12 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Vivian Malta

November      28/11 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Vivian Malta

                    14/11 The logic of the cure. Presentation: Carolina Moreirao

October          31/10  The logic of the cure. Presentation: Andrea Hellemeyer

                     17/10  The logic of the cure. Presentation: Carmina Espinoza

                        3/10  The logic of the cure. Presentation: Lina Petraglia

September       19/9  The logic of the cure. Presentation:  Carolina Moreirao

                       5/9  The logic of the cure. Presentation: Lina Petraglia

August             22/8  Commission meeting.

Period January - June 2022


13/06/2022: Event´s preparatory meeting. 


23/05/2022: Esquizofrenia y paranoia

Bibliografia: Miller, J-A (1982). Psicosis y psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Manantial.

09/05/2022: De una cuestión preliminar a todo tratamiento posible de la psicosis.

Bibliografia: Lacan, J. (1971 [1966]). Escritos II. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores. 



25/04/2022: De una cuestión preliminar a todo tratamiento posible de la psicosis.

Bibliografia: Lacan, J. (1971 [1966]). Escritos II. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores. 

11/04/2022: El falo y el meteoro.

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.



28/03/2022: "Tú eres"

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

14/03/2022: La carretera principal y el significante "ser padre"

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.



28/02/2022: "Tú eres el que me seguirá"

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

14/02/2022: El punto de almohadillado.

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.




31/01/2022: El llamado, la alusión.

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

17/01/2022: Conferencia: Freud en el siglo. 

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.



Program 2021: Differential diagnosis



22/11/2021: Metáfora y metonimia (II)

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

08/11/2021: Metáfora y metonimia (I)

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.


25/10/2021: Secretarios del alienado

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

11/10/2021: Acerca de los significantes primordiales y de la falta de uno

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.


09/27/2021: El significante como tal no significa nada

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.

09/13/2021: El significante como tal no significa nada

Bibliografía: Lacan, J. (2010), Seminario 3: Las Psicosis 1955-1956. Paidós.



06/14/2021: The hysterical question (II)

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: The psychoses. Rio de January: Jorge Zahar Editor.

06/07/2021: The hysterical question

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: The psychoses. Rio de January: Jorge Zahar Editor.



05/10/2021: From the rejection of a primordial signifier

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.

05/03/2021: Of the signifier in the real, and the miracle of the howl

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), The Seminar, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor


12/04/2021: Of non-sense, and the structure of God

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.



03/29/2021: The symbolic phrase

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.


03/08/2021: The imaginary dissolution

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.


03/01/2021: The psychotic phenomenon and its mechanism

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.



02/08/2021: Of a god who deceives and one who does not deceive.

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997 [1955-56]), O Seminary, book 3: As psicoses.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.

02/01/2021: Lessons from psychoses

Bibliography: Soler, C. (2011), Conference given at the Hospital "José T. Borda". Rio de la Plata, FARP.



Program 2020: Differential diagnosis

Period September - December



12/12/2020: The surroundings of the hole

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.​

12/05/2020: Of the signifier and the meaning

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.​



11/16/2020: Of the signifier and the meaning

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor

11/09/2020: Theme and structure of the psychotic phenomenon

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.




10/19/2020: Theme and structure of the psychotic phenomenon

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.

10/12/2020: Introduction to the issue of psychoses

Bibliography: Lacan, J. (1997[1955/56]). The seminar, book 3: the psychoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.


11/09/2020: Neurosis and psychosis

Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). The dissolution of the Oedipus complex. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud - The Ego and the Id and other works. Vol. XIX (1923–1925). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.​


Loss of reality in neurosis and psychosis

Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). The dissolution of the Oedipus complex. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud - The Ego and the Id and other works. Vol. XIX (1923–1925). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.


09/04/2020: Draft K

Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). Extracts from the documents addressed to Fliess. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud – Psychoanalytic publications and unpublished sketches. Vol. I (1886–1899). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.


Draft H

Bibliography: Freud, S. (1996). Extracts from the documents addressed to Fliess. In: ESB Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud – Psychoanalytic publications and unpublished sketches. Vol. I (1886–1899). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.

Clinic and psychoanalytic research

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